Gambar Wireless Doorbell Gambar Gambar
Gambar Wireless Doorbell Gambar Gambar
Gambar Wireless Doorbell Gambar Gambar
Gambar Wireless Doorbell Gambar Gambar
Gambar Wireless Doorbell Gambar Gambar
Gambar Wireless Doorbell Gambar Gambar


Kit tanpa kabel doorbell

• Jarak transmisi 400m ing wilayah sing mbukak

• Instalasi Wireless Gampang (2.4GHZ)

Kamera lawang DC200:

• IP65 anti banyu

• weker temper

• suhu sing kerja: -10 ° C - + 55 ° C

• Kamera lawang siji ndhukung loro monitor njero ruangan

• Pilihan Dual Dual: Baterei utawa DC 12V

Monitor Indoor Dm50:

• 7 "TFT LCD, 800 x 480

• ngawasi nyata-wektu

• Unlock Key Siji-Kunci

• Foto Jupuk & Rekam Video (Card TF, MAX: 32G)

• Baterei lithium sing bisa diisi ulang (1100mah)

• dipasangake desktop / lumahing

Detail dk250 anyar Detail DK250 anyar DK250 Detail dk250 anyar DK250 Detail New4 Detail DK250 Anyar Detail Kitbelbell Kit Wireless Wireless



Tag Produk

Properti fisik kamera lawang dc200
Panel Plastik
Werna Perak
Lampu kilat 64MB
Tombol Mekanik
Pasokan listrik Baterei DC 12V utawa 2 * ukuran (C ukuran)
Rating IP IP65
Dipimpin 6pcs
Kamera 0.3MP
Instalasi Dipasangake lumahing
Dimensi 160 x 86 x 55 mm
Suhu -10 ℃ - + 55 ℃
Suhu panyimpenan -10 ℃ - + 70 ℃
Kelembapan sing digunakake 10% -90% (ora kondensasi)
Properti fisik saka monitor njero ruangan DM50
   Panel Plastik
Werna   Perak / ireng
Lampu kilat 64MB
Tombol 9 Kancing Mekanikal
Kekuwatan Baterei Lithium sing bisa diisi ulang (2500mAh)
Instalasi Dipasangake papan utawa desktop
Multi-basa 10 (Inggris, Nederlands, Polski, Deutsch, Français, Italia, Español, Portuguê, русский, Türk)
Dimensi 214.85 x 149.85 x 21 mm
Suhu -10 ℃ - + 55 ℃
Suhu panyimpenan -10 ℃ - + 70 ℃
Kelembapan sing digunakake 10% -90% (ora kondensasi)
Layar 7 inci TFT LCD
Resolusi 800 x 480
Audio & Video
Codec audio G.711A
Codec video H.264
Resolusi video DC200 640 x 480
Ndeleng sudut DC200 105 °
Snapshot 75pcs
Rekam video Ya
Kertu TF 32g
Ngirim frekuensi sawetara 2.4GHz-2.4835GHZ
Rating Data 2.0 Mbps
Jinis modulasi Gfsk
Transmit jarak (ing wilayah sing mbukak) 400m
  • Datasheet 904m-S3.pdf

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1-Tombol Telpon Video Pintu

Terminal Kontrol Akses

Terminal Kontrol Akses

Modul ekspansi
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1-Tombol Telpon Video Pintu

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Terminal Kontrol Akses

Terminal Kontrol Akses

Modul ekspansi
B17-EX001 / S

Modul ekspansi

Modul ekspansi
B17-EX002 / S

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7 "Monitor Indoor Wifi Linux berbasis

7 "Monitor Indoor Wifi Linux berbasis

Udan Udan kanggo S615 & S215 (Flush Mounting)

Udan Udan kanggo S615 & S215 (Flush Mounting)

1-Tombol Telpon Video Pintu

1-Tombol Telpon Video Pintu

Terminal Kontrol Akses

Terminal Kontrol Akses

Kutipan saiki
Kutipan saiki
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