Nuntium signum

Unum-subsisto contactless obvius solution


Based on the leading facial recognition technology, voice recognition technology, Internet communication technology, and the linkage algorithm technology independently developed by Dnake, the solution realizes non-contact intelligent unlocking and access control for the whole process of personnel entering the community in order effectively enhance the owner's experience in the smart community, which has a certain anti-epidemic efficacy during the transmission of special viruses.

Application missionibus

I. Set ad obice portam aut pedestrem turnstile cum facialis recognition terminatio produci per DNAKE in civitatem ostium. Dominus potest transire portam contactless facial recognition.

II. Cum autem dominus ambulat ad unitas ostium, IP video ostium phone cum facialis recognition munus erit opus. Postquam prospere facie recognition, ostium statim aperuit et ratio sync ad elevator.

3. Cum dominus advenit ad elevator currus, correspondentes area potest esse automatice accendens per faciem recognition sine tactus elevator buttons. Et dominus potest elevator per faciem recognition et voce recognition et a nullus-tactus ride per iter elevator.

4. After getting home, the owner can easily control the light, curtain, air conditioner, home appliances, smart plug, lock, scenarios, and more from anywhere through your smartphone or tables, etc. No matter where you are, you can connect, monitor, and receive the status of the home security system anytime and anywhere.

Integrate Technology in residences creare viridi, dolor, sanus et salvum viventem environment pro consumers!


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