On March 15, 2021, the "Launch Conference of the 11th Quality Long March on Mar. 15th&IPO Thanksgiving Ceremony” was successfully held in Xiamen, representing DNAKE's "3•15" event has officially entered the eleventh year of their journey. Mr. Liu Fei (Secretary General of Xiamen Security & Technology Protection Association), Ms. Lei Jie (ExecutiveSecretary of Xiamen IoT Industry Association), Mr. Hou Hongqiang (DNAKE'sDeputy General Manager and deputy head of this event), and Mr. Huang Fayang (DNAKE's Deputy General Manager and event coordinator), etc. were present at the meeting. The participants also included DNAKE's R&D center, sales support center, supply chain management center, and other departments, as well as engineers' representatives, property management representatives, owners, and media representatives from all walks of life.
Hou Hongqiang先生,副總經理Dnake在會議上說:“走遠的不是速度,而是追求最終品質。” In the first year of "14th Five-Year Plan " also the beginning of the second decade for “3•15 Quality LongMarch”, by actively responding to the national purposes of March 15th, DNAKE will work from the heart, insist on manufacturing fine products, and serve general customers with determination, sincerity, conscience, and dedication, to ensure that end users can use DNAKE brand products including video intercom, smart home products, and wireless doorbells with peace of mind.
▲MR。 Hou Hongqiang在開會上發表了講話
在會議上,Dnake的副總經理Huang Fayang先生回顧了以前的“ 3•15質量長游行”活動的成就。同時,他分析了2021年的詳細實施計劃“ 3•15質量長游行”。

▲LIU FEI先生(Xiamen安全與技術保護協會秘書長)和Lei Jie女士(Xiamen Iot行業協會執行秘書)
在媒體詢問會議上,Hou Hongqiang先生接受了來自各種媒體的採訪,包括Xiamen TV,中國公共安全,Sina Real Estate和中國安全展覽等。
四名領導人共同啟動了Dnake的“第11質量長游行”活動,並為每個動作團隊舉行了供應旗幟和包裝頒發的儀式,這意味著Dnake和客戶之間的“ 3•15質量長途遊行”的第二個十年已經正式開始了!
連續的“ 3•15質量長游行”事件是對Dnake社會責任的公開和實際證明,也是企業家精神的體現。在宣誓儀式上,DNAKE客戶服務部的高級經理和行動團隊在活動啟動之前宣誓就職。
2021年是“第14五年計劃”的第一年,也是“ 3•15質量的長游行”活動的第二個十年開始。新年意味著新的一年意味著一個新的發展階段。但是,在任何階段,Dnake始終會堅持原始的願望,並通過集中客戶的需求來創造客戶的價值,並為社會貢獻,並通過集中客戶來實現良好的信念。